Highlights consist of selecting thin or thick strands of hair that are then lightened at least 2 shades lighter than the rest of your hair. Highlights should compliment your natural or artificial hair color. One misconception of highlighting is that highlights are only blonde in color. This is not true.
Highlights can be any tone or any shade of light or dark. As long as they are lighter than your overall hair color, these are considered highlights. For example: If your hair color is black, and you get dark brown tones put in, those are highlights. If your hair is brown, and you have lighter, caramel tones added, those would be also considered highlights.
If your hair color is a level 3 (dark black/brown) you can add highlights that are a level 6 (medium brown). You should never go more than 3 shades lighter then the rest of your hair color. The object of highlighting is to give you a sun-kissed look and to bring depth and light to your overall hair color. If you color and highlight, it is not necessary to highlight every time you hair color. Opt for highlight every other hair color appointment.